Monday, November 5, 2007

What so great about Semicon???

Finally I managed to read through all the Semiconductor Fabrication Technology's notes by three different lecturers which I actually read through once during the study week but still found clueless about what is going when I read again.....So I tried looking through the past year paper to see whether I know how to do... Gosh!!!! Less than 50% of the questions I know how to answer... There were so many calculation questions and I can hardly remember those equations that I have tried to memorize over the few days!!! Come on la, my brain only got 128MB memory but now I need to save file containing 512MB data... It is just impossible!!! I think it's time for me to change a brain right?? Buy a 1GB's brain should be sufficient... HAHAHA.....
I decided not to study in library today because I am scared that I might start killing people in the library when I get too stressed of not being able to remember what I am supposed to remember... So I stayed in my honey's room for the whole day, sighing and grumbling while looking at that pile of notes... But I really want to thank him for being with me, cheering me up even when he was playing DOTA... I really do not have mood to continue studying anymore.. Perhaps later when I am back in room again... I just hope this would pass soon.... To be frank, I like this subject a lot.. But I don't really like it when I have to memorize so many things~~~ I have to admit that I am not the clever type... I don't have photographic memory as well.. So I need extra efforts to do well... I tried, and I am still trying... Haih~~~~ Can I upgrade my processor as well..??? This current one is too slow... Like what dear always says, I am just Pentium 2... Haha... Sometimes I do envy a little bit on those people who can understand and remember things very quickly... But I understand that HE has made everyone to be different...
Hm.... I think that's all for this time... I would prefer blogging tomorrow night to express how happy I am that Semiconductor paper has passed or how sad I am because I do not know how to do.... Anyway, I try my best and let HIM do the rest.....
Yea, before I forget, Aunty Ee Ling finally received my postcard... She messaged me few days ago, which was few days after I posted that postcard... I thought she wanted to tell me that she has received the postcard... But through what she said and asked, I know she haven't received.. Kinda worried that the postcard has lost somewhere.... I so wanted to ask her but the postcard meant to be a surprise! Today she messaged and said she is really surprised when she received the postcard... And I really want to thank her for her thought of praying for me and my exam... "Thanks, aunty ling~~" She has really been a great and cute aunty to me during Camp Cameron... I really have no idea how come she can always be so energetic and so high everyday (even in the morning during devotion time, when everyone is still sleepy..)... Miss her a lot~~~

Gambatte everyone.... It's just Semiconductor... It's just wafer~~~~

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