Saturday, November 10, 2007

sTrEsSeD YeT ReLaXing...??

Blogging has become a "must-do" thing for me nowadays as long as I have a computer near me... It's just like writing diary which I used to do when I was still in secondary school.. I still write once in awhile in Uni but it doesn't happen daily. I just write when I am extremely free given I have the mood to write.. Comparing to other friends' blog, sometimes I do feel what I wrote were kinda childish or a little bit too simple... But like what dear said, this is my blog... I can write whatever I want, as long as I want... Since not many people might be reading my blog, this has really become a place for me to let my heart speaks... I used to blog through Friendster but I realized that many friends were reading.. Some were really worried when come to some depressing things I wrote.. It's kinda contradicting right? I want to post blog and yet hope that less people would read my blog... I can only say that I am another one who cares about what people would think and say about me... When many people are reading what I write, I start to scare that they will start commenting or judging me... Then whenever I write a blog, I will try to write things they would like to read or know.... I am not an author, so I am not good in doing so.. There were many times I remembered I wrote a blog and couldn't continue when it was half way through... Mainly just because I don't want people to worry about me or to let them see the other side of me which is weak and fragile... Inferior maybe??
But now I found myself another blogspot which I only give the address to a few friends.. A place for me to keep them updated with my recent life and condition... A place I can share a lot of things....
Had my Whitewares and Glasses paper this morning... Dear called me before exam to wish all the best which really surprised me and made my day~~ Haha.... It was about 8 something in the morning, usually he will be still in his bed until noon... He purposely woke up and called me, how can I not feel touched or sweet? Right??? Haha... Back to that paper.... Hm... Last time I used to write nice and complete sentences when answering questions which really takes a lot of time... Then I was scolded by friends so I tried writing in point form which really save lots of time man!! Not so rush for me this time... Thank God that my processor didn't disappoint me during the exam.. Haha... Now I leave it to God to do the rest.. (*whisper*But I will still pray hard that I can score an A for this... ) You know, I think I haven't scored A once for a 4 unit paper.... If I remember correctly...
Now, struggling to start studying Metallurgy.. Had spent my afternoon sleeping, redeeming my lack of sleep.. Spent my evening and night watching BLEACH with dear.... Now I understand why so many people like to watch Bleach~~ And, Ichigo is super cool!!! Hehe.... Should I be sleeping now?? I think I should~~~

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