Saturday, March 1, 2008

~~aNoThEr FaReWeLl cOmInG~~

Today, JP asked me whether I want to perform a dance during the farewell for seniors. I told him I will try to figure out something. So I came back and started looking for something from YouTube. Then I found the video clip "Thank You", a song by Ray Boltz. I have done this mime for my seniors during farewell when I was still a first year student. I almost cried when I saw my cell group leader, Siou Lian shedding tears... As I was watching the mime and listening to the song again, I felt like crying again...
I have been in USMKKj for 3 years. This is the 3rd year I am preparing for farewell.. For 3 years, I have been seeing my seniors left. It is kind of hard because when another new semester starts, the familiar faces are not there anymore. Sometimes it makes me feel kinda lonely.. Since this semester started, we have been teasing Sui Ying that she will be leaving Uni soon.. But now as I come to think about that, how I wish she could stay and further studies... First year, I felt hard when Siou Lian, Felix, Job, Tun Shin, etc graduated. Second year, I felt hard when Ah Lia, Max, Chee Khoon, Yee Wei, etc left.. Third year, Sui Ying, Claudia, Kok Mun the Lamest Joker & his gang will be graduating soon.. I feel hard again... And I believe soon will be my turn to graduate...
Time really flies... I still remember when I was young, I always think how will it like when I finished my secondary school, after my STPM.. How will it like to study in university.. and a lot of other things... Now, I will only have more than one year in Uni... Future is full of uncertainty... A little bit scared to think of the future... Because it is like I blink my eyes, then it will be 40 years later where I am sitting in the balcony thinking of this day that I am so worried about the future during my 3rd year of Uni.. Haha.... I also don't understand how all these feelings come by.... I think I better do something that will stop me from thinking all the weird weird things......
Just want to say to all my seniors : "I really miss all the time we had together serving in the CF.. May GOD bless you all~~~"

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