Thursday, August 7, 2008


Wow... It has been so long since I last updated my blog... The last post was during LI I guess....
These two weeks are quite busy and eventful. Haha... I have finally selected my FYP title and got my title on Friday night. Thank GOD, I got the title I selected. Then I don't remember what really happened other days but I do remember I was really exhausted when it came to Friday. Many who went to prayer meeting would have seen how blur I was. And yet, I went to Sunway Carnival that afternoon to watch
The X-Files which turned out to be quite disappointing. Perhaps I was expecting some aliens to come out... Haha.... But as I remembered, I was not a big fan of The X-Files series.... Then I had a wonderful dinner at Manhattan Fish Market in Autocity with Simon. The food was great, the fellowship was great~~ When I came back to campus, I realized that I need to prepare for my LI poster as I won't be around during the weekend and the exhibition will be on the coming Thursday. I only managed to sleep around 3.00a.m..
The next morning, Simon, Aaron and I went for the volunteer's training of the One Life Revolution Exhibition that will be going on next week. The training was held in KDU, Penang. It was a very informative training where we learned not only about things we need to do during the exhibition, but we also learned more detailed about HIV/AIDS. Right after the training, both Simon and I rushed back to Parit Buntar to meet up with Sze-lyn and Jason to go to KL for PASSION CONFERENCE!! I have no regret going to the conference despite we have to rush back to Parit Buntar the night itself because few of us have class and the stupid OBE Accreditation which are unmissable. Anyway, Passion was AWESOME! The last concert I went to was Planetshaker's which was during my first year in uni. Somehow I enjoyed more during this Passion KL. The whole thing was really great. The story shared by Louie really touched me. I enjoyed the worship so so much until I almost lost my voice.. Haha... Managed to meet some of them from Camp Cameron. I was so happy to be able to meet Ai Wei~~ We started our journey back after the supper at Murni. This time, it's turn for Simon to drive. After we entered the highway, he was too tired, so I took over and drove. I was super sleepy so I kept pinching myself to keep myself awake... Hehe... I only managed to drive until Simpang Pulai and I knew very well I cannot "tahan" anymore. So poor Simon had to drive again. We reached Parit Buntar around 5.00a.m.. Wow~~ Thank GOD for protection.
After coming back here, everyone who went still very excited with the Passion KL and I believe we did keep Passion Jakarta in our prayer. After reading the 268blog, I am sure that God has touched many more people there. Hallelujah!!!
Then I started to rush for my poster. Thank GOD that I managed to finish "cut and paste" in one night... Hehe... This part was easy actually. Just the selecting info and printing part took a lot of time. Then two "short" assignments came and I needed to prepare for the bible study... I was very nervous because I was my first time leading bible study. I do not know why am I so tension or what to be afraid of, but STILL I was scared... Hahaha.... Anyway, I have made it through the first. Thanks a lot to Derrick who has helped me to answer a lot of questions asked by my dear CG member, Simon Chai. But his questions did help me to learn more also la... Just that I became tension when I do not know how to answer. Hehe...
Well, later will be my LI exhibition already. Am I fully prepared? Not really.. Haha.. I am supposed to read my report to refresh me of what I have learnt but I ended up blogging. That's what I always do - get diverted easily... Ok, so I should end here. But I am really excited now about the One Life Exhibition next week and also my spoken English presentation!! Please pray that the exhibition will bring great impact to all who will come... Hope to see you guys there if possible too...

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