Monday, March 23, 2009

I want proper sleep.. No nightmares or bad dreams...

Hm~~~ Just thought that I should update my blog but too many things in my head and I just do not know how and where to start. Last week was a very tension week for me because I was so stressed with my FYP and thesis until I barely slept well. I always set my alarm clock to wake me up early in the morning but I ended up waking up later than I wanted as well. One day I really did something very funny in my attempt to wake up early. I was not quite sure which day was it, might be thursday... The night before I was super duper tension with my thesis (all of a sudden), so I stayed up quite late until I really cannot stand. So I thought maybe I should sleep and wake up earlier instead. So I set my alarm clock to wake me up at 5.00A.M. When it rang, I wanted to reset to maybe 15 minutes later but semiconsciously I did something else without knowing. I remembered Tow Lian called me back to ask me why I call her. Opss.... Then I went to school that morning at 8.00A.m. to wait for my turn to do SEM test. While I was waiting, I received a sms from Aaron which said "Wow so early, take care sis." I wondered for awhile, why he sent me a sms like this? How he knows I woke up early? So I messaged back to ask him. He said that I smsed him at 5.00A.M. and said "GAMBATE." What??? I really cannot remember what I have done. Too bad I deleted all my sent messages while I was clearing the unwated messages... So now I know I can sleep-smsing... Hahaha.... Still normal if I just send a blank sms right? Hahaha.. I wonder did I ever call someone while I was sleeping and tell my secrets?? Hm...
I guess the rest of the week revolved a lot around my FYP and thesis... Haih... FYP syndrom... And these few days, my neck and shoulders were really aching so badly until massage also cannot help to sooth it. My massage sifu's skill also cannot make them better.... I really do not know what's the cause to it...
Had really great dinner just now with the outgoing committee. I really enjoyed the fellowship a lot. One thing that touched me the most was the gift Joshua Prakash gave me. A bar of chocolate and a bookmark. The one with the design that I like. He remembered what I said.. So touched... The message he wrote on it really touched me too... Just something to clarify, I get tired very easily one wo... Where got dunno what's the meaning of tired... Hahahaha... "Thanks Joshua, really glad to have you in my CG..."
Then something I must mention is the salted chicken bought from Ipoh.... "Thanks bro..." It has been so long since the last time I had. So nice~~~
One last thing... I really have to admit that I am old... Haha... Because two hours with the kids today at Sunday School really made me real exhausted.... For the first time, I wish the service ends earlier... Hahaha.... But still, I love kids.... =)
Good night again~~~

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