Saturday, April 16, 2011

R.e.L.a.X.i.N.g W.e.E.k.E.n.D

It's nice to be able to sleep and wake up anytime I want. Saturday is usually the only day of the week I get to do so... Provided I do not have something on and it has been quite long I get to do so... =)

Just came back from One U after accomplishing the "task" given by babe... It is a difficult task but I had fun accomplishing though... =P

Was just browsing through friends' blog and then my own... Have been using the same old color for quite long... Just thought should give it a change... Wanted to make it colorful but it won't suit my blog title quite well... Tried pink and I am really not a "pink" person... Speaking of that, I should really get one thing that is pink in color and put it in my handbag... Want to know why? Haha! So that I won't miss another pink day of BR when I happen to be around any BR outlet on Wednesday.. =P I was in One U with babe on Wednesday and I wanted to get BR ice cream... I was ransacking my handbag just to find something pink and couldn't find any... =( Will pink nail polish count? Hmmm....

Gonna have dinner with babe's family... I better start getting ready... I won't want the whole world to wait for me alone... =P

1 comment:

Ying Ying Dai Tao Har said...

pink nail polish does count de ^^