Thursday, May 14, 2009

Healthy day.....

Went swimming alone this morning... Wanted to ask my younger brother along but he had plan. He went to Penang this early morning. But I had the thought of going swimming since yesterday night and was quite excited about it. So I decided to still go after accompanying mum for some marketing. It was about quarter past ten when I leave home. When I reached that place, opss... I forgot to bring my goggles... I can't swim without goggles.. Hehe... So I drove back home to take it... Went back there again and it was about 10.45a.m. then. Before I left home, I was quite hesitated because it was getting hot. But I don't care... I want to swim... Haha... So I went again. The fella told me that the morning session ends at 11.30a.m. Huh... I didn't know got sessions now... But since I was already there with my swimsuit ready, just swim la. Swam for about half an hour only. But I think it was an improvement for me because I took less rest. Haha... Left at 11.30a.m. Felt so good after swimming. Hopefully I will still have the semangat to swim more to build up my stamina for the next few weeks. =) Just half an hour also, I can clearly see that my body parts that were not covered became darker... But I believe it will recover soon GUA.... =)
After coming back from swimming, I made myself some smoothie... With apples, tomatoes and carrot... Taste quite good.... It's good for skin complexion... I do not know how true it is because I have just started trying. Maybe next time I should add some milk or yogurt... =)

1 comment:

Joy Easily said...

xiao jie, next time teach me swim again..heheZ...