Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Finally back from SWEEP after two weeks... Just in case for those who do not know what SWEEP stands for, SWEEP = Social Works Exposure and Embracement Progam. I had really really great experiences and I am very glad that I was there. Together with me were 11 other lovely, cool and fun Sweepers of year 2009 and 6 great FES staff. We have been to different places, met different people, heard different stories and seen different things. Like most of us said, SWEEP has changed our perspectives towards the world around us though it does messed up some of our lives. =) A lot more to share but shall post it later when I get the photos from HK. Stay tune...

To all the Sweepers,
Really miss you all man~~ Haha... Let's keep in touch k?

To my roommates during SWEEP,
Though we cannot share every night before sleep anymore, let's still keep in touch through mails or FB k? Update us frequently yea....


Huan Ching said...

Jinny!! cant wait for ur real post bout SWEEP! i really do hope we will always stay in contact! update me bout ur life ya! same goes to me =) treasure the friendships we generated in SWEEP and which i noe will continue to weave. muacks n hugs

clarawan said...

hehehe wah got special msg for your roommates! ya must keep in touch, after reading your post on sweep, i feel like i dun have to write a post on it di, hahaa just quote u la :p take care ya!