Saturday, May 30, 2009

I am so happy~~


Closer look....

Even closer look.... Saliva coming out yet??
This was what I cooked today... Crabs + prawns... Supposedly to be just crabs but mum left out one prawn that she forgot to keep together with these rest of the prawns in the refrigerator so we decided to cook the ONE prawn with my favorite crabs. Then she asked me to add a few more since she cannot take crabs.
This was my second time cooking this dish. The first time was.... not really bad la... Just that it was too dry. The best part about this dish is the gravy. The last time was too dry because my elder bro and I were arguing how much water to add and how to cook the dish.... Besides, I was not the one preparing the chili paste which is quite an important part but my younger bro did. So he was kinda mad when we turned the dish to a quite failure. Haha...
Today, I did everything by myself. Except choosing the crabs and paying... Haha... I cut the crabs MYSELF, I pound the chili paste by MYSELF, I cooked them by MYSELF.... and it turned out to be successful... It gave me a strong sense of accomplishment... I am so happy... Haha.... I am not a good cook... Seldom cook actually although I kinda like cooking... The only dish that I cooked the most should be spaghetti where the sauce is actually available in supermarket. =P
I give this dish 85% because I think it is not salty enough... Haha... Tak tau pai sei... But mum said it tasted just nice, it's good enough that way, shouldn't be too salty. And mum said, it looked like the way grandma liked to cook... Because she won't pound the chili and other ingredients until too fine as you can still see the chili pieces in the photos... =) But the truth is... I was lazy and got no strength dy.. Haha....

*PS: S, if you are concerned that the prawns might be too cooked since I am a noob cook... Trust me, they are not!! Just nice and juicy... Bluek!

Tried learning some simple cooking these days just in case I need to work some where else, not near to home so that I won't be found dead of starving or too much ajinomoto... Haha... I also fried wantan today. Haha... To be honest, I never tried frying something all by my own before, except frying eggs. Because everytime when I did, the pro will come and take over half way, maybe they don't trust my skill. Haha...

Nice song~~

No Boundaries by Kris Allen

Prefer this version than the one sang by Adam Lambert although his version is not bad too... =)

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Friday, May 15, 2009


We always said, brave and courageous are those who are willing and ready to step into the unknown, to take the unseen challenges.... But I think those who have already known the challenges and knowing how hard it is to take them but still willing to take them are braver and more courageous. Like Jesus, He knew that He is going to die on the cross, a brutal way but He did it still... Though that was by grace that He has done that for us, but we can never image how much courage and strength He needed to take the step while He was just a human like us... What you think?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Healthy day.....

Went swimming alone this morning... Wanted to ask my younger brother along but he had plan. He went to Penang this early morning. But I had the thought of going swimming since yesterday night and was quite excited about it. So I decided to still go after accompanying mum for some marketing. It was about quarter past ten when I leave home. When I reached that place, opss... I forgot to bring my goggles... I can't swim without goggles.. Hehe... So I drove back home to take it... Went back there again and it was about 10.45a.m. then. Before I left home, I was quite hesitated because it was getting hot. But I don't care... I want to swim... Haha... So I went again. The fella told me that the morning session ends at 11.30a.m. Huh... I didn't know got sessions now... But since I was already there with my swimsuit ready, just swim la. Swam for about half an hour only. But I think it was an improvement for me because I took less rest. Haha... Left at 11.30a.m. Felt so good after swimming. Hopefully I will still have the semangat to swim more to build up my stamina for the next few weeks. =) Just half an hour also, I can clearly see that my body parts that were not covered became darker... But I believe it will recover soon GUA.... =)
After coming back from swimming, I made myself some smoothie... With apples, tomatoes and carrot... Taste quite good.... It's good for skin complexion... I do not know how true it is because I have just started trying. Maybe next time I should add some milk or yogurt... =)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

24th Birthday...

Had my most unforgettable birthday ever in my life... And I won't explain why and how... Sorry.... =) Thanks for all the wishes... Thanks for friends who stood beside me all these while... You know who you are... Thank God for whatever I have and I do not have...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Viva.. DONE!!!

Viva is finally over!! Thanks to the panels who were quite good to me. Although I did not manage to answer all the questions they asked, but overall I was not that badly injured~~ Haha... Was I injured?? Hm... I am just glad that it is done... Now just waiting to get my final draft so that I can go back tomorrow with a peaceful heart... Wanted so much to write more... But I am too tired to do so... Need some sleep now...